Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Day 1- Time to Make the Cut!

This morning was a lot different than what I'm used to! I trained last summer in the early mornings with my daddy at a local gym in my home town. My dad used to train hardcore a few years back and so it was fun getting back in the gym with him last year, but now it's just me going a long with my awesome workout buddy, Emily.
Today I walked back into this particular gym for the first time in a year and saw many familiar faces. It was also encouraging to look around and see people still there from a year ago when they first started exercising. They look incredible!!
I also must add that it took me forever to find tennis shoes that matched my workout outfit this morning, but finally I found a pair. Purple, orange and grey go nicely together, I guess. Oh well, I made it work! (Please know, I do not get all dressed up to workout. No makeup, hair pulled up, tshirt and shorts. It's not a beauty competition folks)! :)

Jillian calls for fast pace circuits with short intense spurts of cardio. Whew! I was kind of disappointed while I was working out because I did not feel like I was going to die (yeah, I know sounds weird, but I expected it with Jillian). Now, 3 hours after my workout, I'm starting to feel it. Yeah, I think it's safe to say it worked. This is very different from what I'm used to. I usually warm up with 15-30 minutes of cardio, weight lift for about 45 minutes then do 15-30 more minutes of cardio. This plan just puts that all into one big circuit. I did a 15 minute cardio cool-down at the end, though. The entire workout took about 45 minutes. Not bad at all. The circuits are supposed to be done twice. Emily and I did them once this morning cause we were running kind of late, but we will start repeating them tomorrow!

I was in the Word last night just asking God what He wanted to tell me and I came across a verse in 1 Timothy that I hadn't read in a while:

"For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come." -1 Timothy 4:8

Sometimes that verse can be a slap in the face. I find myself sometimes getting too consumed with health and nutrition. Yes, it's very important, but it's not the most important. What am I doing to train myself spiritually? I mean, as a christian I should have a desire to be stronger spiritually than I could ever be physically. Sometimes it's important to back up and say "Lord, I'm sorry. I'm getting carried away. It's what You want, not me." That can be a hard thing to pray too. It involves setting aside my pride and humbling myself before God. Which He calls people to do that anyway. Plus, fitness is important for this life, but really it's just an earthly thing. Is there fitness in heaven? I'd like to think so, but I have no clue. :) Anyway, training physically will only do so much. It stays in the physical realm of life, which only lasts until you die. The spiritual stays alive forever. I want to be trained spiritually to face any challenge that is thrown at me. I want to come out victorious. If God is for me, who can be against me? I can't just rely on the "yeah, I'm saved, God will protect me" mentality. I want to be prepared for anything by constantly reading the Bible and praying. This is about having a relationship with Christ and growing stronger each day. In order to grow stronger, just like working out, you have to work at it daily. Is it hard? Absolutely! I believe that anything worth having is worth working hard for! (yes, it's a lot easier said than done). So, as muscles grow and become stronger by working out, your spiritual "muscle" can become stronger and grow by spending time in the Bible and prayer every day.

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