Saturday, February 19, 2011

Back to the Basics

One of the coolest things about having Jesus as your best friend is the things that He constantly teaching you. I also think it's something that I need to be more thankful for instead of being my stubborn self and either a) take advantage of it or b) get beyond frustrated. Challenge is good. I love any kind of challenge, until it's one of the life changing ones. It's always good in the end, but the process of getting to the end frustrates me sometimes.

A few days ago I was chillin' with God just talking to Him about some different things going on. He reminded me of a lot of things that He had been trying to teach me lately. It first started with the misconceptions of righteousness. It was one of the first messages preached at VCM (campus ministry at ECU) this semester and it spoke to me- I had never really thought about the true meaning of righteousness until then. It's something I had heard about since I was little, but I feel like I'm finally starting to grasp it's true meaning. The big one came a week or two later. A simple phrase that really got me thinking. "Who told you that?" It goes back to Genesis 3 when the serpent tempts Eve. After all that went down, God comes to the garden looking for Adam and Eve and they were hiding because they were naked. When God finds them (does anyone else think it's awesome that God's like "hey guys, where are you?" haha anyway...) He asks them who told them that they were naked...
When going through my daily routine there have been thoughts or opinions that would enter my mind and I've had to ask myself "Who told you that?" What is the real truth? What does the Word have to say about it? Which leads me to this....

Back to the basics.

I don't care if you've been saved 8 days or 8 years. You need to do this book. The Purple Book is a book written about Biblical Foundations. It's a miniature Bible study type thing. It's really neat and straight forward. When you've filled it out it again! I've been through it once but I feel like I need to go through it again. I told God that I wanted to start over. It's time to rebuild my foundation. I'm ready to be taught and try my hardest to keep the stubborness aside. 

In other news...

It's baseball season at ECU! I've never sat through an entire baseball game, studied the rules or been a fan! :D My roommates are quite the baseball fans, so since I drag them to football games, I went to a game with them. Let me tell's fascinating! Especially when you know what's going on! I'm going back again today! It still has NOTHING on football, but it's a sport and it's fun! Plus, if I get bored, football practice fields can be seen from the stands and I can watch spring training :D just kidding, but not really...

This picture is too funny not to post. Yes, this is normal... ;)

Much better! We had a good time. ECU kicked butt :) 

A classmate of mine got approved to do a research study through the university. It's called 7 Days 7 Ways. It's a faith based fitness research study. The study is conducted at a small church about 20 minutes away and I was able to volunteer to help teach aerobics to the research participants. The study is every Saturday morning in February. I got the chance to help teach this morning and had a blast! The participants are mostly in their 50's-60's and we are tracking exercise, simple nutrition and how it impacts weight and body fat percentage. I am excited to see everyone's results next week! I'm thankful that I only had to wear a name tag and not a microphone! :D 

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