Tuesday, May 18, 2010


I am ashamed to say that I did not go to the gym today. :/
It's been a heck of a 48 hours, let me tell you! So, I have a friend from Alabama who I met at school. He decided to go back and visit his family until summer school started. He took a Greyhound bus to Charlotte where my family and I picked him up. This was about 10 PM on Sunday night. Monday morning we went to the gym, came back and got ready to take him back to ECU, 4 hours away. After getting lost (the GPS decided to take us the scenic route, how thoughtful...), we end up in Greenville 5 HOURS LATER. It's cool, though, it was a fun road trip. Then my mom and I drop him off and drive an hour and 15 minutes to Raleigh to stay the night with my aunt and uncle. Then we wake up this morning and drive three hours home. Do you see now why I didn't make it to the gym? It wasn't totally my fault... I was too busy on an adventure. It was a lot of fun! I got to spend some great time with my mom and we got to practice our driving skills. There's nothing like driving in a straight line for hours... ;)
I thought I did pretty good with the nutrition, even though I've had to eat out the past few meals while on the road. Which brings me to my point of the day:
EATING OUT....NOT GOOD. Well, it can be not good. More times than not, eating out is bad. It's tough because you have no control over what goes into your food. Always keep it simple when eating out. Stay away from thick cream based things, cheese, fried foods, ketchup (most restaurant ketchups have high fructose corn syrup to increase the shelf life, stay away from HFCS at ALL TIMES), sweets, salad dressings that you cannot see through! So basically everything, right? Just be wise with decisions. If they bring bread or chips to the table before your food comes out, send it back to the kitchen. When the food comes to the table, ask the waiter to bring a takeout box with it. Pack half of it to go and then eat. Most restaurants serve way too much food for one sitting.
I know I'm always writing down easy tips and advice on how to eat better, but I struggle with it too. Everyone does. God has really been showing me lately that I do not need to be concerned with acting like I "have it all together," because my gosh I'm not even close to that. No one is. We're all human and by grace we have a loving God who cares enough about us to pick us up and dust us off everytime we fall. We must learn that we all make mistakes and we all have plenty of flaws, but the beauty of it is that God uses those flaws to bring glory to Him! Don't be afraid to mess up. Learn from mistakes, even if they're just minor ones. :)

oh, and I just realized that the comment option wasn't checked, so now you can comment on the blog. sorry it took so long!


Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Well I did go to the gym! :P